Genus Ctenacis

Author: Compagno, 1973

Diagnostic Features:
Body rather stocky. Head and snout not bell-shaped in dorsoventral view; preoral snout length about 2/3 of mouth width; anterior nasal flaps small, with rear edges well in front of mouth; internarial space 1.2 times in nostril width; inside of mouth and edges of gill bars with papillae. First dorsal origin slightly anterior to free rear tips of pectorals, base closer to pelvic bases than pectoral bases; anal origin slightly posterior to second dorsal origin; caudal fin broad,not tapelike, and short, dorsal margin about 23% of total length. A unique colour pattern of large, reddish-brown, irregular dorsal saddle blotches on body, interspersed with smaller round spots and vertical bars, as well as spots on fins.

Treatment of this genus follows Compagno (1973,1979).