Genus Furgaleus

Author: Whitley, 1951

Diagnostic Features:
Snout short and broadly rounded or wedge-shaped in dorsoventral view, preoral length about equal to mouth width; eyes horizontally elongated and dorsolateral, strong subocular ridges present below eyes; anterior nasal flaps formed as narrow, elongated barbels, well separated from each other and mouth; no nasoral grooves; internarial width 1.3 to 1.7 times nostril width; mouth broadly arched and short; labial furrows moderately long, uppers reaching anteriorly to level of upper symphysis; teeth bladelike, compressed, and cuspidate, well-differentiated in jaws, upper anteroposterior teeth with oblique cusps and cusplets, lowers with erect cusps and without cusplets; small medial teeth differentiated from larger anteroposterior teeth. First dorsal moderately large, base less than 2/3 length of dorsal caudal margin, its origin well behind pectoral free rear tips, midbase closer to pelvic bases than pectorals; second dorsal about as large as first; anal fin much smaller than second dorsal; ventral caudal lobe weak in young but short and strong in adults; terminal lobe of caudal fin short and 2.5 to 4 times in dorsal caudal margin.

Furgaleus was proposed as a replacement name for Fur Whitley, 1943. Two species, F. macki and F. ventralis, have been proposed, but these are apparently synonyms (Compagno, 1979).