Genus Chaenogaleus

Author: Gill, 1862

Diagnostic Features:
Snout wedge-shaped in dorsoventral view; gill slits very long, 1.8 to 2.1 times the eye length in adults; mouth parabolic and very long, its length 66 to 82% of its width; lower jaw rounded at symphysis; ends of upper labial furrows behind rear corners of eyes; no toothless space at midlines of jaws; upper anterolateral teeth with smooth mesial edges and very long cusps; lower anterolateral teeth with very long, stout, strongly hooked cusps, and no cusplets; lower crown feet and roots deeply arched, giving teeth an inverted Y shape; lower teeth protrude prominently when mouth is closed; tooth row counts 33 to 38/34 to 36, with 2 more lower rows to 2 less than upper rows. Fins not falcate; second dorsal height 3/5 or more of first dorsal height.

See Compagno (1979) for the rationale for separating this genus from Hemigaleus, with which it is usually synonymized.