Isurus oxyrinchus

Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1809

Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1809, Caratt.gen.sp.anim.pinat.Sicilia, Palermo, pt. 1:12, pl. 12, fig. 1.

Isurus spallanzanii Rafinesque, 1810
Squalus (Lamna) cepedii Lesson, 1830
Lamna oxyrhina Cuvier and Valenciennes, in Agassiz, 1838
Oxyrhina gomphodon Müller and Henle, 1839
Oxyrhina glauca Müller and Henle, 1839
Lamna punctata DeKey, 1842 (not L. punctata Storer, 1839, = L. nasus)
? Lamna latro Owen, 1853
Isuropsis dekayi Gill, 1862 (not Oxyrhina daekayi Gill, 1862 = L. nasus)
Carcharias tigris Atwood, 1865
Lamna guentheri Murray, 1884
Lamna huidobrii Philippi, 1887
Isurus mako Whitley, 1929
Isurus bideni Phillipps, 1932
Isurus tigris africanus Smith, 1957.

Other Scientific Names Recently in Use:
Isurus glaucus (Müller and Henle, 1839).

FAO Names:
Shortfin mako [English]
Taupe bleu [French]
Marrajo dientuso [Spanish]
LAMN Isur 1 [FAO Code]