Heterodontus zebra

Author: (Gray, 1831)

Field Marks:
Dorsal fins with spines, anal fin present, striking colour pattern of narrow dark vertical stripes on light background.

Diagnostic Features:
Supraorbital ridges low, not abruptly ending behind eyes; molariform teeth in rear of mouth not greatly expanded and rounded, with a strong medial ridge. First dorsal origin over pectoral bases; apex of anal fin falling well ahead of lower caudal origin when laid back; anal base length 2 or more times in space between anal insertion and lower caudal origin. Colour: pattern of 12 narrow vertical brown or black stripes on body, on light brown to white background, no spots or harness markings. Egg cases apparently with simple flat paired spiral flanges, nearly transverse to case axis and with only a single turn visible on sides, case apex without tendrils but with short ones on opposite end.

Geographical Distribution:
Western Pacific: Japan, the Koreas, China, Viet Nam, Indonesia (Sulawesi, Ambon), Australia.

Habitat and Biology:
A common but little-known bottom shark, found at moderate depths on the continental and insular shelves of the western Pacific at moderate depths down to at least 50 m. Oviparous, details of spawning not recorded. Probably eats bottom invertebrates like other members of the family.

Maximum total length about 122 cm, males mature at 84 cm.

Interest to Fisheries:
Probably minimal.

Type material:
Holotype: British Museum (Natural History) ?, female about 47 cm. Type Locality: Swatow, China.