Galeus schultzi

Author: Springer, 1979

Field Marks:
A Galeus with an unusually short and rounded snout and very short labial furrows, confined to mouth corners.

Diagnostic Features:
Precaudal tail not noticeably compressed at base. Snout short and rounded, preoral length about 5 to 6% of total length; prenarial snout much less than eye length; eyes dorsolateral, with low subocular ridges below them; mouth fairly large and long, broadly arched, width 6.2 to 9.1% of total length; labial furrows extremely short, essentially confined to mouth corners. Pelvic fins small, low, and angular; interspace between pelvic and anal bases much shorter than anal base; anal base short, 10 to 11% of total length, greater than interdorsal space; its origin just behind first dorsal insertion; no subcaudal crest of enlarged denticles on preventral caudal margin. A colour pattern of obscure dark saddle blotches at first and second dorsal bases, and two bands on the tail; dorsal fins and caudal tip without black terminal marking; mouth lining light or dusky. Monospondylous precaudal centra 32 to 33. Size very small, adults less than 30 cm.

Geographical Distribution:
Off Luzon, the Philippines, western Pacific:

Habitat and Biology:
A little-known bottom-dwelling shark of the continental slopes at depths of 329 to 431 m. 3

One of the smallest sharks, females mature at 26.8 to: 29.7 cm, males at 25.4 cm.

Interest to Fisheries:

Type material:
Holotype: U.S. National Museum USNM-122312, 297 mm adult male. Type Locality: Balayan Bay, Luzon, the Philippines, western Pacific, 329 m depth.