Squatina tergocellata

Author: McCulloch, 1914

Field Marks:
An angelshark with strongly fringed nasal barbels and anterior nasal flaps, dermal flaps on sides of head without angular lobes, large eyes with interspace between them and spiracles less than 1.5 times eye diameter, fairly broad and rounded pectoral fins, and prominent large ocelli on body.

Diagnostic Features:
Trunk relatively narrow. Anterior nasal barbels and posterior margins of anterior nasal flaps strongly fringed; distance from eye to spiracle less than 1.5 times eye diameter; dermal folds on sides of head without triangular lobes. Origin of first dorsal fin about opposite inner margins of pelvic fins; pectoral fins moderately high and angular, with broadly rounded free rear tips. Small spines present on midline of back and tail from head to dorsal fins and between the fin bases; moderate-sized spines present on snout and above eyes. Colour: very large and prominent ocelli present on body.

Geographical Distribution:
Western South Pacific: Australia (New South Wales, Western and South Australia).

Habitat and Biology:
A little-known, temperate water angel shark of the Australian continental shelf and upper slope, on or near the bottom at depths of 128 to 366 m.

Maximum uncertain, largest reported 55 cm total length (probably immature).

Interest to Fisheries:
None at present.

Type material:
Holotype: Female, 420 mm fork length. Type locality: Great Australian Bight, from 293 to 365.