Opinion 47. Carcharias Rafinesque 1810 is monotypic, type Carchariastaurus Raf. Smithson.Publ., (2060):108-9,
Opinion 723. Repeal of the ruling given in Opinion 47 together with the stabilisation of the generic names Carcharinus Blainville, 1816, Carcharodon Smith, 1838, and Odontaspis Agassiz, 1838,in their accustomed sense (Pisces). Bull.Zool.Nomenci., 22:32-6
Opinion 93. Twelve generic names of fishes placed in the Official List, by suspension of the Rules. Smithson.Misc.Collect., (73):5-11
Description of a new species of squaloid shark from Japan (Squalus japonicus). Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philad., 60:71-3
On the distribution and environment of the whale shark, Rhincodontypus, in skipjack fishing grounds in the western Pacific Ocean. J.Coll.Mar.Sci.Technol.Tokai Univ., 4:37-51